To know God and to make Him known

Challenge I

Age 14+

Discipline is the Cornerstone of Freedom

Students discover the joys of rich conversations in this challenging program.

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challenge students at debate

Learning to think deeply and critically.

As they enter their traditional high school years, Challenge I students are encouraged to think deeply and critically while refining their reading, writing, and research skills. As with our other programs, Challenge I mixes the traditional homeschool model with in-community work, providing not just education, but support and accountability for both parents and students. Parents entering this season of homeschooling will appreciate being equipped with a roadmap and confidence, giving them what they need to homeschool successfully through the high school years.

This Challenge level, along with Challenge II, has the largest volume of reading and writing. Through studies and reading in Christian literature, freedom documents, Latin, research unit studies, free market economics, and Shakespeare, student hone their dialectical skills as they contemplate discipline, the cornerstone of freedom.

Open the Door to Deeper Discovery

The Six Strands of Challenge I

Continue to stack the building blocks of increasingly advanced mathematical principles. Individually and in community, students further their understanding in math through study and group conversations about the building blocks: numbers, laws, relationships, shapes, equations of the first degree, knowns and unknowns, and variables.

Long-term learning relies on ritual repetition. Students continue their study of Latin with an emphasis on memorization of vocabulary, declensions, and conjugations. Directors review previous lessons and preview the new material from the upcoming lesson as needed.

This Science of Creation course provides an introduction to the skills of observation, research, and experimentation. The research topics explore the facts of the universe and asks questions about them in order to better understand the world in which we live.

Logical thinking ushers in strong rhetorical skills. In the first semester, the study of formal logic serves a twofold purpose: it prepares one to reason individually to discern truth from fallacy, and it prepares one to reason in community to persuade others unto truth. On a deeper level, students gain an appreciation of logic, as it serves to lead them from one truth to another and to a basic understanding of the Christian theory of knowledge.

In the second semester, using The Taming of the Shrew, students learn how to read and enjoy the plays of Shakespeare. Through their homeschool community days each week, they also complete a special project related to this play. The theme of this play centers around courtship, so community discussion embraces that theme and compares different cultural perspectives on relationships, courtship and dating.

Reading introduces new ideas while writing reveals the best ways to articulate them. Rigorous reading and writing around Christian literature characterizes this seminar. Studying story sequence elements, asking good questions, and writing various compositions encourages students to reflect on how the book reflects the Bible’s grand narrative or the character of the Creator. Time management is key for both homeschool parents and students. In seminar, students engage in book discussions, and Tutors suggest ways that students can improve their writing.

Dive into the past to better understand the present and future. In the first semester, students read and discuss various original documents related to government and its history. Tutors facilitate and encourage discussion of political ideas, past and present, in historical context. Integrating dialectic and rhetorical skills, students learn to perceive and understand context when analyzing political, social, and policy decisions.

In the second semester, students read and discuss with their group original sources related to free market economics. Tutors lead discussions about the impact of free market economics on national histories and present-day politics. Students participate in various hands-on group projects that allow for real-life understanding and practical application of current economic issues.

Students organize a community event that invites community leaders- pastors, business leaders, and government officials- to discuss education and see select student presentations.

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The encouragement and support from other parents is vital. I enjoy learning from those before me in their journey, encouraging those beside me, and sharing with those coming behind.

CC Parent

I am a grandmother homeschooling my 9-year-old granddaughter who has been through a lot of trauma with both parents. The moms, Tutors and Director have truly been encouraging and most accepting of this old grandma and her granddaughter. We are going into our 5th year at CC.


My CC community breathes flavor, energy, and structure into my homeschool. The steady support, motivation to learn perpetually, and sweet fellowship is vital to me personally and to my family.

CC Parent

As a longtime homeschooler, you can find 350 Classically-centered curricula on the market. What sets CC apart isn’t the carefully crafted history sentences, the infectious list of pronouns the kids chant, or the way you can tweak it to be whatever you want at home. It’s the community.

CC Parent

But what about socialization? I have to admit, I heard this question a couple times when I first decided to homeschool, but most people I come across don’t ask it anymore. If they do inquire about how I keep my kids socialized, I get to tell them about the amazing community God brought into our lives with Classical Conversations.

CC Parent

My CC Community has been an integral part of our homeschool experience. I can’t imagine being on this journey alone, as a ‘lone wolf.’ I love how CC covers aspects of homeschooling that I would not get to on my own, such as weekly science experiments and art projects, and memorizing a world history Timeline of events. CC provides a ‘one stop shop’ for all of my homeschooling needs.

CC Parent

Community is a very valuable part of CC. What other curriculum has weekly modeling lessons for us parents?

CC Parent

Our CC family is so much more than a group of fellow homeschoolers. They are the family who can truly understand my daily struggles as a homeschooling mom. They are the family who supported me emotionally and mentally when my husband passed away. They are the family that welcomed me with open arms when we had to move out of state and join a new CC family! There is nothing comparable to our CC family. I am so truly grateful.

CC Parent

My director and fellow parents are tutors are more than colleagues; they’re friends. I’m thankful for the support, accountability, and friendship they offer.

CC Parent

My community is my tribe. They are an extension of my family and make a difference in my success as a homeschooler.

CC Parent

We needed accountability and a group. Then CC came to my area. I could focus on enjoying learning alongside my children! My kids flourished, recognizing the education they were receiving in a CC community was different than many of their peers.

CC Parent

I was all over the place for my first six years of homeschooling. An hour into the first information meeting I went to, I was blown away. This was what I was looking for! An educational philosophy I believed in AND a roadmap to do it!

I no longer woke up from the middle of the night in a panic that I was missing something or doing something wrong. I was surrounded by parents who had a desire to educate excellently, helping me be my best. I was no longer spending energy trying to find a curriculum and support group that would work. My energy was now focused on growing as a classical learner alongside my kids.

CC Parent

I was afraid to homeschool, I had family that tried it and thought, ‘If they can’t do it, how can I?’ At an information meeting, I learned CC would support me, provide a community and teach ME. Now, I’ve homeschooled two children through high school. I feel confident teaching my children hard subjects!

CC Parent

Even as a former educator, I needed curriculum assistance and overall support from a community. I learned to relax and enjoy the children God had given me and the purpose of education.

CC Parent

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father and young son read a book
mom and two girls learn outside